Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator website Tracker Networks - Cookie usage on site
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We use 3rd party cookies to collect information about site visits. We use collected data to improve site and to target marketing (remarketing).

We collect following information: IP address, time and duration of visit, visited site, information about target platform, version of browser used, referring url.

We use 3rd party cookies from Google and Facebook.

Google Analytics is web site visitor analytics tool from Google. It helps us find out how our visitors use the site and how they find it. Data is anonymized so that we can't find out any identities of our visitors based on Google Analytics.

Facebook is a social media platform. We use cookies to collect information about pages visited. Cookie may be used to target advertisments in Facebook based on pages you have visited.

You may use your browser to not accept these cookies. Site can be used 100% without accepting them.